I am a geochelone sulcata tortoise who had been diagnosed with metabollic bone disease (MBD) on Jan. 28,2012 soon after my bestfriend, Koopa died of complications due to the same disease. I have changed my diet and lifestyle since. This blog was created to document how I survived and how I progress through the rest of my happy life with my humans in the next 100 years. You can also ask me about anything under the sun -- even about human stuff :) In the meantime, this is my story . . .
This is how to remove the hard shell part off a cuttlebone before eating the soft chalky part. I'm sharing this advice, which my human received from someone on one of her online groups. Apparently, we sulcatas can't digest the hard shell part of a cuttlebone, which is why your human needs to remove the former before serving the soft chalky part to us. Cuttlebones are a good source of calcium and eating it helps us trim our beaks =) By the way, vitamin D3 from unfiltered sunlight exposure will help us absorb the calcium that we eat to avoid soft shell problems and any illnesses related to calcium deficiency.
Soaking the cuttlebone in water for 2 days will make it easier to remove its hard shell, Place a something heavy like a rock on top of the cuttlebone to keep it submerged in water.
Now 2 days later. My mum's trying to pry off the hard shell from the chalky part.
Success! Let the whole soft chalky chunk of cuttlebone dry before eating :) nomz nomz!